New Moms: make sure you take care of yourself too! New moms need 3 meals a day and 2
snacks to make good breast milk. Yes, you should drink 6oz of fluids every time you nurse, but
you also need good quality food. Equally important is trying to take a nap daily since your night
sleep is so interrupted.

Newborn schedules: Your newborn will need to nurse every 1.5-3 hours. To try and encourage good nighttime sleep, try to limit daytime naps to no longer than 2hrs at a time. Then at bedtime, set your alarm for 4hrs. Your baby most likely will wake to eat sooner, but one longer stretch of sleep of 4 hours is fine in the first few weeks. Try to keep the lights low and talk less to the baby at night to encourage her to eat and then return to sleep. Then during the day, keep the lights up and frequently talk to your baby. Although it is wonderful to hold your baby, when sleeping put the baby in her safe bassinet so she gets used to sleeping on her own. And encourage her to not fall asleep at the breast.